Changqing Wolong Yu Qi Great Wall, the most primitive and intact rammed earth Great Wall, can be reached by car

Although both are world cultural heritage sites and are an important part of the "Great Wall of China", the Qi Great Wall, which stretches across the East-West Taiyi Mountains in Shandong, has a history of more than 2,600 years. With the change of dynasties and the change of wind and rain, its mighty and spectacular It is a world away from the Great Wall of Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The Qi Great Wall was built during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Influenced by the degree of civilization, there were neither modern construction machinery nor roads extending in all directions to transport building materials. The Qi Great Wall is mostly bounded by high mountain ridges, so it is mostly dry stone fortresses made of local materials, or rammed earth buildings. Of course, there is no shortage of dangerous walls, which are built with the help of the terrain to the greatest extent. After thousands of years, the States of Qi and Lu have long since disappeared into the long river of history. There are no geographical restrictions, and the natural barrier Qi Great Wall has gradually weathered or been destroyed by local residents. Therefore, the real remains of the tall city walls or passages cannot be found.

There is a section of the Qi Great Wall in the Changqing boundary that is adjacent to Mount Tai. There is a mountain called Great Wall Ridge at the west foot of Mount Tai, and there is a village under the Great Wall Ridge called Great Wall Village.

The Great Wall Village spreads the story of Meng Jiangnu's hometown. Qi Great Wall spreads from the mountains in the west of the village, crosses the mountain village, and winds through the Great Wall Ridge, through Dazhai Mountain, and enters Wolongyu. The remains of this section of the Great Wall are still obvious today. The most magical thing is that on the rolling ridge, it is an obvious rammed earth Great Wall.

The traces of this section of the Great Wall are very obvious, and it lies on the ridge of the North Peak Mountain of Dazhai Mountain - Wolongyu. Among them, the rammed earth bottom is 6-8 meters wide, the top is 5-7 meters wide, and the height is 3-4 meters high. It is very obvious when viewed from the air or from a distance. Although it does not have the majesty of the Great Wall of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it is still lying on the North Mountain of the Wollongyu Grand Canyon like a long dragon. Most of the ridges of the Qi Great Wall are stacked with dry stones, or they are dangerous cities, but on the ridge with a height of 500 or 600 meters, such a long rammed earth Great Wall is very rare. After all, where did the rammed earth come from? This is not modern, transporting so much rammed earth to the ridge, what a big project!

Today's Wolong Valley is different from the past, and there are winding mountain highways that can reach the top of the mountain. Wolong Valley has beautiful natural scenery, deep valleys, criss-crossing, strange pines and rocks, surrounded by peaks and cliffs, dense vegetation, evergreen seasons, and waterfalls and streams year-round. Because it is located at the western foot of Mount Tai, it is actually somewhat similar to the scenery of Mount Tai Scenic Area, but it is more quiet.

There are currently many tourist attractions in Wollongyu Tourist Area. The most beautiful ones are the B & B with a view to the Jade Emperor Roof of Mount Tai, and the fruitful Dragon and Phoenix Manor. It is conceivable that the top of the mountains with an altitude of 500 or 600 meters, the farmland and flowers in the layers of terraced fields, and the ups and downs of the mountains under the blue sky and white clouds, the scene is more than a thousand.

Visit the Wollongyu Qi Great Wall, you can drive to the top of the mountain. Of course, Wollongyu is a free ecological scenic spot. Cars walk through rocky valleys, green pines and green valleys, and streams gurgling. If it is not the rugged mountain road, it is scary., the scenery along the way is really intoxicating.

The Great Wall of Qi is located on the Guolin Ridge where Longfeng Manor is located, protected by barbed wire on both sides, extending to Dazhai in the northwest direction, and then down to Dongshan Mountain in Great Wall Village; to the southeast, it leads to the North Peak.

A soil ridge with a width of about two or three meters stands on the ridge. This is the Qi Great Wall, which has experienced more than 2,000 years of wind and rain. Because it is located on the ridge of the deep mountain, except for the traces of time, there is almost no damage. Unknown flowers and plants are swaying in the rammed earth. The sunny side is mostly the fruit trees of Longfeng Manor, the shaded side is full of oak trees, and even wild Ganoderma lucidum can be found occasionally.

When we got to the vicinity of Dazhai, the trees on both sides were gone, and the Qi Great Wall exposed on the ridge was even more obvious. From a distance, the cliffs on the ridge are actually man-made rammed earth Great Wall. Now we walk on it, the whimpering wind blows, and the golden iron horse of more than 2,600 years ago has passed away with the wind. At present, we can only see the prosperous and prosperous times full of fruits.

The Wolongyu section of the Qi Great Wall (Changqing District, Jinan), although not as majestic as the Qi Great Wall, is preserved Best. The most primitive rammed earth Qi Great Wall, I have photographed the rammed earth Qi Great Wall in Linqu, its altitude is lower, and the rammed earth is not as tall as this section. There is still a certain gap between the two. Moreover, the natural scenery of Wolongyu is more beautiful.

One point old Jin Xingse

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