Dating Tips

Successful Dating Tips for Men

Hey guys, I’m really excited and thrilled to share with you some valuable advice on how to get back in the game of conquering women or the woman of your dreams. I know it’s short and important, so without further ado, I’m going to share three simple tips on how to get back in the game and get the woman of your dreams and life.

Be Yourself

1.) Go for it: It sounds simple, but ultimately it is. Most people think too much and have internal discussions before they approach a woman and talk to her. Questions like these arise. What if she doesn’t like me? What should I say? How do I continue the conversation? Basically, when they finally go into the conversation with confidence, they have lost and defeated themselves. My advice: Go with the flow, don’t overthink it, go talk to her, and a simple “Hi, I’m …… I saw you and just wanted to talk to you” will work. If you combine this with a genuine smile, you’ve got a winner. If she doesn’t like you, don’t worry, you’ll survive and move on to the next one 😉

Stay Calm

2.) Stay calm. Research shows that it doesn’t matter what you say, it’s how you say it and how your body language and posture conveys it that matters. A very funny and witty intro will not work if your body language says “help me out of here”. Be confident, be genuine, smile, be your best self, and everything will be fine. Women like men who are confident, who know what they want and communicate it through their body language.

Dress appropriately

3.) Dress well and take care of yourself. Now you may be thinking, why would I want to do that? Well, let me put it this way. Imagine yourself as a gift to the man of your dreams. As we all know, gifts are always beautifully wrapped, and who wants a poorly wrapped gift? Some would say the wrapping is sometimes more exciting than the actual gift and will lead the way 😉 so get out your best clothes if you have them, invest in something nice, shower, brush your teeth go to the hairdresser and then go out .

Get out.

Well that my friends, that’s it for today, I believe that if you implement this advice you are one step closer to conquering beauty and always remember to be yourself.

Cheers guys.