Dating Tips

Great First Date Tips and Guidance

Whenever you go on a first date, there are a few dating tips to consider in order to get a guaranteed second date. Try not to make the date too intense, just keep it simple and you can go a long way. You will most likely feel very intimidated, but remember that your date will feel the same way. Try not to show off or exaggerate when it comes to impressing your date, as you should make the date fun and exciting. Always remember that the person you are dating could be the person you will spend your life with.

Whenever you are planning a first date, you should, it is very important to find the best place to go on a date. Dating in a bar or club is not a good idea because you will find the conversation really frustrating because you can’t hear each other while the music is playing loudly.

A restaurant may be a good idea because the atmosphere is quieter and more open and you and your date can have a good conversation, but if your date is a vegetarian or vegan, etc., you need to make sure to eat and drink. Try to wear nice business casual clothes 🙂 But don’t wear anything too trendy like a one-piece suit or anything too casual like ripped jeans. You have to plan ahead so you don’t just wear whatever you want.

To avoid painful silences, you should think about topics and keep them in mind so that you have something to say. Always remember to be on time, and it won’t hurt too much if you’re a little early but not late. Make sure your phone is switched to silent, as it can be rude if your date overhears you talking to someone else. You can check your phone when you go to the bathroom. You can make fun by talking to your date about funny things that have happened to you in the past, but limit yourself. You can have a good flirting session, but always know your limits because your date starts to think you only want one thing.

Try to have fun on your date so that you both have a good time as you will relay to your date. Try not to drink too much because your date will have a [wrong, different] opinion of you and it will end in disaster and be your last date. Try to keep things as simple as possible, like being polite, friendly, not expecting anything and being yourself. This will probably get you a lot of dates.

Overall, have an exciting date and try to have a good time with your date, but be sure not to go overboard. Remember this, you don’t have to prove anything to your date because you have feelings from the beginning to help you continue dating. Finally, give your date a good impression so that you are more likely to get a second date, remember all these tips I gave you so that you will have a fun first date.