Choosing a dating site

As part of the LGBT community, can you find love online?

A few decades ago, LGBT was considered taboo. In fact, in some countries, being gay or lesbian was considered a criminal offense punishable by death. However, in our current society, things have changed and LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Cool) is considered normal. In the last decade, we have had countless colorful gay weddings, a scene never seen in the 60s.

In fact, most people are turning to online dating to find a mate. Whether you’re looking for a sexual partner or a long-term relationship, you can always find a match online. But as part of the LGBT community, can you really find love online? The answer to that question is: Yes! You can find love online. Here are some basic things you need to know in order to be successful in finding a mate online.

Find the right dating site
There are over 1000 dating sites and your success will depend on the dating site you choose. In order to have a high success rate, you should make sure that the dating site you sign up with has a fair amount of LGBT. So, which are the best dating sites for LGBTQ people?

If you belong to the LGBTQ community and want to have a high chance of online companionship, then you should consider signing up for OkCupid. This online dating site connects people from the global LGBTQ community. Over 90% of registered members are gay, lesbian or bisexual; therefore, dating is relatively easy compared to other online dating sites.

Over 950,000 registered members are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender: ensuring that you have a higher chance of finding love on Chemistry’s online dating platform. They have an accurate matching algorithm, which allows you to contact only the people you would be compatible with.

Have a nice profile
A nice and attractive profile plays an important role in determining whether you will be successful on the dating platform. A profile with misspellings or inappropriate pictures is a deal breaker for many people, which can drive away possible partners. Make sure you double check your profile and make sure there are no errors in your resume; also make sure you upload a clear picture. In your resume, you may be able to include a line stating that you are gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender and what you are seeking.

Be Bold and Open
You must be very careful when trying to find love online, whether you are heterosexual or belong to the LTGB community. There are many fake profiles out there and you have to be smart enough to assess what is real and what is not. Never be too desperate or too quick to ask for a date; start by having flirtatious conversations and getting to know each other.


Your soulmate is out there and you will find him/her, just make sure you choose the right dating platform and make sure your profile is attractive enough.