Choosing a dating site

Tips on how to maintain a love life while maintaining social distance

It’s fair to assume that dating during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is not a top priority for anyone. To stop the spread of the virus, Americans are self-quarantining and squatting indefinitely. But those of us who live alone and are single face the dismal prospect of weeks, if not months, without face-to-face contact. A prolonged lack of physical or emotional contact can be very desperate when it comes to maintaining our mental health. During the pandemic, learn how to keep dating in a fun, safe and responsible way.

Choose a few people to spend your time with.

Often people click right on so many online dating profiles that they end up not going on any dates at all – a simple example of the dangers of the preference paradox. But this new world of social distancing can serve as a great motivator to choose just a few people you want to invest your time and energy in, and then move on with the conversation. In this case, it may be beneficial to sit down and have an extended conversation with someone every few days, rather than just responding to messages for a period of time.

Set dates online.

If you’re using a dating app, you’ve probably noticed an increasing number of matches suggesting “virtual dates” where you basically FaceTime or Zooming each other, sitting in the living room over drinks by candlelight. This may not be out of necessity, but rather a consolidation of a trend that already exists in dating. After all, people today are too overworked and exhausted to meet someone in person, especially if they’re commuting. It’s quick, there’s virtual dating. All you have to do is pick a time and press a button, and you’re ready for a date.

And make the effort to get dressed and clean your bed.

Just because you don’t meet someone in person doesn’t mean you won’t set the mood. Put your best foot forward by dressing up a little as well as setting some mood lighting and choosing a good camera angle. Digital dating also provides a useful opportunity to see how you see yourself on a date, from your hair to your body language. And yes, if nothing else, a shower is an excuse!

Look for long-distance relationships.

Your doctor does not recommend that you have sex with someone now, even if they are a friend who lives with you. But that doesn’t always have to be a negative thing. Now, in addition to video dinner dates, you can also send each other love letters digitally or schedule FaceTime calls at the park. Any time you have excitement and desire, it’s always going to be much easier when you see each other directly.