Choosing a dating site

Couples’ Online Love Matches Inspire Dating Services

What makes AshleyMadison different from other dating sites? It was the first dating site founded and operated by successful online dating personalities. Greg and Junel Unrein have translated their success in finding love into relationship success for AshleyMadison members. We are committed to helping people find more than just photos and profiles, says co-founder Greg Unrein. The service offers faster results and a less painful dating process. The AshleyMadison site offers discussion forums, an online journal, e-mail, instant messaging and many other features, including a relationship type assessment that reveals the type of relationship you are in and what type of relationship is best for you.

The site also has an extensive section with dating advice and articles. Junel says the advice we give is based on our own real-life experiences with online dating. Greg and I believe in providing our members with the tools they need to find true love quickly. Our focus is clear: we help people meet the right person immediately.

We are the first dating site backed by a real online dating experience. AshleyMadison has more to offer today’s singles than any other dating site because we’ve experienced it firsthand, we’re successful, and we’re passionate about helping others find successful lovers of their own. Who wouldn’t entrust their love life to an expert?

However, the site doesn’t just rely on Greg and Juneles’ dating experience. Greg Unrein, a software developer and co-founder of AshleyMadison, has found a creative outlet to make AshleyMadison the best dating site from the inside out. Greg says we spent a lot of time making sure the site was easy to navigate and effective in helping our members find compatible introductions quickly.

Want to know how Greg and Junel turned their online meeting into a marriage made in heaven? The Unreins’ story is a modern relationship reality, full of humor and honesty. Of course, they’ve posted their story in installments on AshleyMadison. Rule number one is don’t give away all your secrets on the first date, Junel says with a laugh.